The moment you realise your home doesn't match your Pinterest

 It's no secret that I love Pinterest, it's been my personal favourite social media platform for many, many years now and I have worked really hard for over a decade to build it into something amazing.

I love my Pinterest boards, they reflect my style and aspirations but I was busy flicking through a board I had built on interior style, I was searching for something I had pinned that I wanted to look at for a moment of inspiration.

I was sitting in my living room with a mid morning coffee, surrounded by dust bunnies and my 11 year old's lego (I have dust bunnies because I'm not allowed to vacuums parts of the said living room because of the insane amount of lego currently living awkwardly in the doorway and on the floor) cushions and blankets  are scattered on the floor from my 9 year old building a den behind a chair and there are remnants of an advent calendar in one corner for reasons I am unsure of. All I can say, is it's definitely got the lived in look down to a tee and there is no question that children live here. 

The reality of my living room is about as far removed from the images on my Pinterest board for how I'd like my living room to look. Im under no illusion at all that a family living room in a busy home in the London suburbs would ever reflect the clean, calm tidiness of Scandinavian retreat but I do hope a hybrid of something in between could be achieved. 

It didn't just stop there though, it dawned on me that my whole home is absolutely nothing like what I aspire to on Pinterest, this includes rooms that have only been completed in the past 3 years so goodness me, I have got my work cut out! 


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